This design was part of the development process while doing some work for Luke and Sarah's Off-Grid Life. They said no to it due to objections over the text placement and arrangement, but I really like it. I can't use it or put it on a t-shirt because the phrase was Sarah's idea, but I include it here as an example of using text to convey meaning in more than one way. In this case, the semantic content of the words as well as the layout of the words. I will be exploring this more in the future.
The photo of the tree is of a cork tree in the main yard of Luke and Sarah's land in Central Portugal. I used its silhouette for their logo and the final version of this design.

The roots in the design were made by taking this photo of a naked tree in the winter and flipping it upside down. It did the trick. I don't have a reference for it at the moment - I will have to rectify that.
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