I avoided it for a long time, but I finally gave in and started a Facebook page. The thing that tipped the scales for me was the ability to reach a wider circle of acquaintances; there are simply more people I know on FB than IG. Plus, one can post on Instagram and click a box that posts it on Facebook automatically. I notice some differences, though. For one, the hashtag game seems more restrained on Facebook, but that might just be inexperience on my part.
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Please visit my online stores, Big Shadows for film noir art and attire,
and Lazy River Design Works for everything else.
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Believe me, participation in Facebook is nothing I am particularly happy about. Even Instagram is problematic. It's about the time drain more than anything. Pretty necessary though if one wants to sell anything, including one's time and skills. But I draw a hard line at Twitter! 😂
Wow, you have venture much farther on the social media trail than me. I am happy to remain anonymous online. Perhaps elusive online is a better word. Like so many of my habits, I often feel the pull of a new adventure intoxicating, and end up being a little obsessive. Technology is good example of an obsessive trap, it all start with being "so cool!" Then I can stop. Fortunately, I have health sense of myself and nip it in the bud. Doesn't aging have it's advantages? Cheers.