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The Sunset Palette

I've been playing around with sunset colours. I'm wondering if there is an emotional button that can be accessed by using this palette. In my still somewhat limited experience, sunset/sunrise photos tend to get the most extensive and immediate reaction from random people (i.e., people who don't follow your feed) on Instagram. That's one of the main reasons I'm using Instagram, as a gauge of what appeals and what doesn't. It's certainly not perfect feedback, but it's better than asking friends and family.

Above is a curvature-blended version of the original photo, "Sunset Marina," by Mr. Brendel, available in the Creative Commons under a CC BY license. At least, I assume CC BY, because the page actually specifies this: "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License," which I haven't seen before.


Of course, sunsets and sunrises come in an infinity of variations, but what almost all of them share is the distinctive prismatic shift from indigo-esque blue to ambery yellow, with all those rich reds and oranges in between. It's a very warm and rich palette, so much so that it can suffer from over-saturation. The leggings' design below tries to balance that issue somewhat.

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Justus Hayes
Justus Hayes
Dec 07, 2020

Hm, and no way to edit comments either. I probably should have realized this before now.


Justus Hayes
Justus Hayes
Dec 07, 2020

Hey Chistopher!

Well, the fulsome and eloquent response I just typed out disappeared when I hit backspace, dumped me back to the home page and didn't save it. And I realize now that there is no way to save these comments before publishing. Hm.

I think the colours of a sunset and sunrise tap into something very core and fundamental in all of us, like staring into a fire. They're experiences that every person has shared since people began. Except for the mole children, of course.


Dec 05, 2020

From an entirely spiritual place, when I feel connected to some sense of fate or destiny, remarkable coincidences do occur. Allow me to explain. This week I have had disrupted sleep patterns and often wake up early, like 4am. Previously, I would fight this pattern and only cause myself further emotional havoc. Instead, all this week I have just been getting up and starting my day early. I have the good fortune to ride my bicycle to work and this week a full moon cycle has started my ride but dawn begins before the end of my ride. Coming home often begins in fading daylight and finishes in the dark. All this week, I have experience the colours and …

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